[Walkthrough] Funko Fusion : Our Complete Guide [EN]

Check out our complete Funko Fusion walkthrough guide for PC, Xbox, PS5, Nintendo Switch. Our solution will guide you through the entire game, with tips for solving puzzles and defeating enemies. Browse our detailed, step-by-step walkthrough, with images to help you complete each puzzle  and riddle.

Summary :

The Thing

We chose to start with the world of The Thing . Once this world is selected, you arrive in the dedicated hub. Follow the quest marker to go up the stairs and reach the Wonderworks Factory . To progress in the Atrium, you will need to open a locked door. To do this, you must find a fuse.

To find the fuse, talk to Foxxo in the Security room (yellow). Shoot the two locks on the door to free him. Then, switch characters by interacting with the Funko box in the room. Choose a character that Foxxo knows, like « Childs » in our case, to continue talking with him.

Return to Foxxo to trigger the arrival of monsters. Defeat your enemies, then follow the tutorial to unlock the chests in the area. Open the three blue chests and collect the items inside. Insert them into the construction machine in the area to build a jump module.

Place the module near the entrance to the  »  Security » room and climb onto its roof to retrieve the fuse. Insert it into the mechanism of the door leading to the Atrium. Enter, then go talk to the Manager.

Follow the cutscene and talk to the characters to trigger a fight against Eddy. Avoid his ground attacks by jumping at the right time, then shoot the purple growths on his body. Touching them will cause purple orbs to fall to the ground. Pick them up and place them in the purple receptacle marked with a crown. You will need to collect 30 of them to activate the receptacle and end the fight.

Once the fight is over, go back and talk to Freddy. You now need to collect more crowns. To do this, go back to the hub of the world you chose. In our case, head to the world of The Thing. Follow the quest marker to reach the first chapter.

In this first chapter, you must free 6 huskies scattered across the map. To find the first one, follow the quest marker. He is locked in a vehicle. To free him, melt the ice on the door using the gas canister nearby. Place it near the door, shoot it to melt the ice, then shoot the padlock to open the door and free the husky.

To continue, you will need to create gas canisters from the creation machine. Find 3 blue chests to unlock this equipment. The first chest is outside, in a house at the top of the stairs. Use the gas canister again to melt the ice on the door of the house. Then break the padlock to enter the house and retrieve the blue chest, while freeing a new husky.

Following the quest marker, you enter the main building. On your way, you will meet a character in front of a locked door. Use the gas canister nearby to melt the door and release a third husky. Also enter the room to find a second blue chest.

As you exit this room, head left, then right to find a final blue chest. You will also come across a locked door labeled « Security Level 1 ». Open the purple chest at the bottom of the door to retrieve the access card. In this area, there is a new blue creation machine. You can bring the items you found there to create gas canisters whenever you want.

As you continue through the area, you’ll find a fourth husky hanging from a pole. Melt the ice around the pole with a gas canister, then pull the lock to free the husky.

To find the fifth husky, head back inside the building and head to the right of the door you melted. Head forward in that direction, then take the path to the left. You’ll find a locked door labeled « Security Level 1 » near a gas line. Shoot the line to melt the ice and retrieve the access card.

After defeating the enemies in the area, collect the valve at the entrance. Place it on one of the slots at the back left of the room. Then, take the battery from the generator on the right and place it on the generator on the left. Finally, collect a second valve near the wall, near the generator on the left.

Place this new valve on the second slot on the left. Now activate both valves to supply the gas lines. Once the lines are lit, pull on their ends to melt the grate high up.

Behind the grate was a piece of gas pipe. Shoot it to collect it. Then place it on the gas pipe on the right side. Then, collect a valve and a generator battery on the left side to power the right side. Melt the grate again to collect the level 2 access card for the room. Enter the new room to free a husky.

The last husky is near the kennel. Follow the quest flag and head right out of the kennel. A purple chest and a locked door will block your path. Open the chest to get an access card, then head forward.

Defeat the enemies and enter the new room. Use gas canisters to melt the three grates in the room. Once all the grates are melted, go to the two openings at the ends and light the gas canisters facing you on the other side of the room. This will melt the ice surrounding the chains holding the husky. Once the ice has melted, shoot the padlocks to free the last husky.

Bring all the huskies to the kennel to complete this quest. Now you need to get rid of the helicopter outside. Return to the start of the level and eliminate all the threats to save the last husky. Bring him back to the others to get a Funko key and complete the chapter.

In this new chapter, go to the kennel to face a threat. To defeat the boss, you must first eradicate the three huskies on the ground connected to him. First, shoot them with your weapon until they turn red. Once red, eliminate them using explosives (flamethrowers, grenades, gas canisters). Eliminate the three huskies to complete the first phase of the boss.

In his second phase, the boss is high up and throws a green liquid. Stay alert to his hits as well as to the other enemies in the area. To defeat him, aim for his face (eyes) and the mouth of the plant attached to him, alternating between the two depending on which one is available. When his face is facing the ground, take care of the plant, and vice versa.

In its final phase, the boss is on the ground. Aim its tentacles at the yellow dot to weaken it. When it glows red, use explosives. The easiest way is to create grenades in the red creation machine, or if you have found all the red chests, to craft a flamethrower. Set the boss on fire to defeat it and collect the Funko key, thus ending the chapter.

In this chapter, move from rocket to rocket. Shoot the rockets to light them, which will create a passage to reach a station.

In the station, move forward until you are blocked by flames. Remove the battery that powers the generator from the gas lines to put out the flames and move forward. Keep the battery on you and head left. Enter the far room to find an unlit gas line. Insert the battery into the generator.

Turn the valve to turn on the gas line on the left and melt the ice. You will recover a second valve. Use this valve to turn on the gas line on the right and recover a piece of gas line.

Collect the valve and the piece of gas pipe. Place them in the central mechanism of the large room, where there are three valve slots and two pieces of gas pipe missing. Next, collect the previously used battery and place it in the mechanism in the room to the left of the central area. Then activate the valve to turn on the gas pipes and collect two new valves for the central mechanism.

All you need now is one last piece of gas pipe for the central mechanism. You can retrieve it in the room opposite the central mechanism. You only need a battery to power the gas pipe in this room. Once the ice has melted, shoot the piece of gas pipe to retrieve it.

Once all the items are installed on the central mechanism, turn on all the valves to melt the grid above. You will obtain the level 2 access card.

Move forward and go down the stairs to come across a blood bag. Collect it to get the first of four you need to pick up. Nearby is a generator with an access card under the ice. Use a battery from the previous rooms to turn on the generator, melt the ice, and collect the card.

Use the access card on the area door to exit. In the snow, follow the flares and shoot them to clear a path. Advance to a locked purple chest. Eliminate all enemies in the area to unlock the chest and collect the second blood bag.

Continue moving from rocket to rocket to find the third blood bag on your way. Continue to a generator connected to an ice block. The generator battery is next to it. Place the battery in its place and light the gas canister near the ice block to melt it. This will give you the last blood bag. Then pick up the Funko key and return to the start of the level to complete this chapter.

Follow the quest marker to find Blair. To eliminate him, shoot the gas canister in his hands at the right time. He alternates between grenades and gas canisters. Only shoot him when he has the gas canister in his hands. Repeat this step multiple times in different locations. Once outside, when Blair is connected to other enemies, eliminate them first before dealing with him. Repeat this one more time to obtain the Funko Key.

After using the Funko Key, enter a new room. Use the gas canister in the center to melt the grate on the floor and unlock a path. In the underground, you will have to defeat Blair again by shooting the gas canister in his hands. Then follow him outside by creating a jump module to end the chapter.

This last chapter is the final boss fight. When you enter the room, interact with the purple receptacle marked with a crown. Then go down to the wooden planks. Tentacles come out of some of the planks. Use gas canisters or grenades to destroy the tentacles. With each tentacle destroyed, you collect purple orbs for the crown receptacle.

Once you have collected enough orbs, your quest will change to burning the boards. Go up the stairs and use a gas canister on the wooden boards covered in purple smoke. You will then face the final boss. Aim for its belly, on the purple part, so it will attack you with an enemy connected to it. Shoot the purple part of the enemy’s head to collect purple orbs. Repeat this to collect all the orbs and get help against the boss. Defeat the boss to complete the world of The Thing.

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